
Hungarian software company casts Jobs in bronze to remember him

A Hungarian software company named Graphisoft has decided to erect a bronze bust of Steve Jobs in the country's capital of Budapest to celebrate the life and times of Apple's founder. Graphisoft's founder first met Jobs back in 1984, and Jobs has since offered lots of advice, insight, and even financial help to Graphisoft, even while Hungary was under communist rule. The statue will depict Jobs standing and making a presentation, with one arm stretched out and some sort of iPhone-like remote in his other hand.

The statue, which will stand 7 feet tall and have a plaque in the shape of an iPad on it, will be placed in an area called Graphisoft Park, where a number of other commercial technical firms are also located. The plaque will also bear a quote from Jobs himself: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

Touching. We didn't really expect to ever see a Jobs statue in Budapest, but clearly Jobs touched quite a few lives all over the world.