
Global Chat: December 25-31, 2011


We love hearing what you have to say at Massively, and we love it even more when we can share the best comments with all of our readers. Massively staffers will be contributing some of their favorite comments every week, so keep an eye out every Sunday for more Global Chat!

Welcome to the first Global Chat of 2012! This week is all about some of your responses to our MMO predictions for 2012. You all chipped in plenty of great thoughts, so follow along after the break for the best of what our readers had to say last week!

The predictions series got our readers talking in a big way last week, sharing their own predictions as well as thoughts on ours. Seffrid took the opportunity to chat a bit about the future of browser-based games as a whole after reading Beau's predictions:

When browser-based games offer the same quantity of content and quality of gameplay with no lesser security threats as the mainstream MMOs, then they may extend their appeal, and in those circumstances they would naturally offer a better way of serving up those mainstream MMOs. Until then, however, they will remain a niche market aimed primarily at the younger players.

Whether that change will come about in five years, or indeed ever, I have no idea, but it's an interesting prediction.

Some of our readers have things they'd love to see in the near future after reading what Shawn had to say, like reader Lilkitten:

While I have no issue with casual gaming and casual gamers, I do hope some games will go back to being immersive in nature. The downfall of World of Warcraft has been its "casual" friendliness. Not the time casual, but what I think of as the FarmVille-casual, the ones who don't care about story and just want rewards for two minutes' worth of (minimal) effort.

As a former fan of the Warcraft story, I was very sad to see Blizzard pretty much cut it out of the game to appeal to a segment who will never care when, or if, a WC4 or anything else Warcraft is ever released.

SolitudeZero has a hope for 2012 as well:

To the people predicting Mists of Pandaria will kill the "hardcore" WoW fanbase, I say good riddance. Being able to hang around town and pug into a raid on an alt without having to see the "hardcore" and "elitist" spouting, "LF1M dps for xraidzonex on reg, must have heroic achievement and 99999 gs. All upgrades are reserved for guild. We don't want to carry trash DPS." Those players I'll be glad to lose and never see again.

That's it for this week, and as always, now it's your turn. What do you want to see in 2012?

Global Chat is the weekly feature that's all about you, our readers. Every Sunday we collect the best, funniest, and most thought-provoking comments from the Massively readers and round them up into Global Chat for discussion. Read over them for yourself, hit the comment button, and add your own thoughts!