
Apple tops latest mobile shopping satisfaction survey

With more and more consumers using smartphones to visit retailer websites, it's important for those retailers to make sure that shoppers have the best possible mobile shopping experience. Research firm ForeSee announced today that Apple's mobile shopping satisfaction score was at the top of the pack, with 85 percent of 3,000 consumers putting the company on top of their list.

While the ForeSee study doesn't specifically say it, the Apple Store app seen at right could be the reason that Apple's mobile shopping score was higher than overall satisfaction with Apple's web store (at 83 percent). Others in the top five were (in decreasing order of satisfaction) Amazon, Dell, Netflix, and eBay.

According to the ForeSee results, mobile is playing a growing role in the retail experience. A full third of shoppers used their mobile phones to research products, while 15 percent actually made purchases. About one in five online shoppers used their phones to compare prices or products while in a physical retail location.

Satisfaction with the mobile shopping experience is important for repeat business. ForeSee's research shows that mobile shoppers who are highly satisfied with their mobile experience are 54 percent more likely to consider that same company the next time they want to make a similar purchase, and they're twice as likely to make purchases from that retailer's mobile channel again.