
APB Reloaded finally comes to retail

APB Reloaded - mexican standoff

Back in early December, GamersFirst announced the impending retail availability of APB Reloaded. As it turns out, the announcement was premature and the actual date has remained a mystery.

Until today.

The free-to-play shooter is now on sale at Best Buy, and the box features more than $50 worth of in-game items. Thirty days of premium access are part of the package, and you'll get faster rep and XP gains, more currency rewards, and a 20% discount in the game's cash shop for your trouble. You'll also take home 500 G1 credits, a faction-specific Z180 sports car, and a Magnum ACT-44 handgun available to all the characters on your account.

Finally, GamersFirst says each retail edition comes with a "super-secret bonus permanent weapon."

[Source: GamersFirst press release]