
It came from the Blog: Join us for the second annual Lunar Lunacy

Lunar Lunacy at the Lunar Festival

This Saturday, the It came from the Blog family of guilds will be holding the second annual Lunar Lunacy event. We will be attempting a few Lunar Festival achievements and respecting our elders. Hopefully, they weren't paying attention to those of us who got the Scrooge achievement during the Feast of Winter Veil.

  • When: Saturday, Jan, 28 at 1 p.m. EST (10 a.m. PST, 11 a.m. server time)

  • Where: Meet at the Lunar Festival area near the flightpath in Orgrimmar on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H).

  • Who: Any Horde player level 10 or higher (for raid forming)

  • How: Ask Roblinator or anyone in It came from the Blog for a guild invite if you are not already in our family of guilds.

  • What: The plan is to get Elders of the Alliance, Elune's Blessing and a few other achievements.

The highest character you have will probably have the most fun, as otherwise you may be abandoned with the other lowbies if we honor some flightpath elders. Death knights don't take too long to be event-ready -- just make sure you are done getting food thrown at you by the time the event begins.

Hope to see you there!

Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in It came from the Blog. All members can invite, so /whisper Roblinator or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.