
Bill Gates discusses Steve Jobs, iBooks and education in new interview

When you think of Apple, you may think of their longtime rival in the OS space, Microsoft. When you think of Mac OS, you may think of Windows (drawing comparisons between the two since Windows debuted), and when you think of Steve Jobs, you often think of Bill Gates. The two founders of two giant tech companies have often been described as binary stars in the tech world. It seems only fitting that in his recent interview with Yahoo! and ABC News, the former Microsoft head spent some time talking about his colleague Jobs and Apple's new push into education.

Gates had nothing but pleasant things to say about Jobs and his relationship with the Apple co-founder over the years.

"He and I always enjoyed talking. He would throw some things out, you know, some stimulating things. We'd talk about the other companies that have come along. We talked about our families and how lucky we'd both been in terms of the women we married. It was great relaxed conversation."

Host Bill Weir also asked Gates about Apple's recent iBooks 2 and iTunes U announcement. Though he didn't talk about the iPad or iBooks specifically, Gates did talk about the promise of this new way of educating students. He said several times that we are still in the early days of this transition from traditional learning to digital learning.

The interview is available on Yahoo News and is broken up into short segments so you can choose which sections you'd like to watch.