
The Daily Grind: What vanity pet would you like to see in your favorite MMO?

Fallen Earth

Last week Turbine announced all sorts of huge updates for Dungeons and Dragons Online in 2012. Among exciting talk of expansions, Druids, and level cap increases, one little item may have slipped under some folks' radar. Vanity pets are coming to DDO in 2012 -- specifically, "fun and cute DnD critters," according to Executive Producer Fernando Paiz.

Justin and I chatted a bit about that on this week's Massively Speaking, and Justin put forth the awesome idea of a tiny Beholder pet. I loved the idea and it set me to thinking. Vanity pets in MMOs are such a frivolous little thing, yet they're such fun to so many people, and it seems like everyone has a wish list of "wouldn't it be cool if..." vanity pets.

So what's yours? Would you love a little Beholder in DDO? Would you love to see Fallen Earth offer a prairie chicken pet to go with your mount? Tell us what vanity pet you'd love to see trailing along behind your character!

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!