
THQ receives stock delisting notice

THQ's woes continue as the troubled publisher receives a delisting warning from the Nasdaq stock exchange. The company's stock has been trading below the minimum of $1 for the past 30 days.

The publisher has 180 calendar days (until July 23, 2012) to make its stock regain compliance for 10 consecutive business days. If the company can't comply, well, let's just say these things don't end happy. There are examples of game companies coming back from the brink. Heck, Majesco has done it twice.

THQ is hurting bad, as it works through a realignment and sets off waves of layoffs to stabilize the company. The publisher is expected to explain its current financial issues during an investor call this Thursday, February 2. THQ's stock price is trading at $0.70 as of 8AM ET today.