
Griffin announces StudioConnect Audio/MIDI interface for iPad

Musicians have another audio and MIDI interface to choose from when they're looking for a way to connect a guitar, bass or MIDI instrument to an iPad. The new StudioConnect Audio/MIDI interface for iPad (US$149.99) was announced by Griffin Technology today, and it adds a sleek looking dock to the current options available.

StudioConnect can be used with the optional GuitarConnect Pro analog to digital interface ($79.99), Griffin's Guitar Cables ($19.99), and the DJ Cable ($19.99) and a host of music applications on the iPad platform.

The video below shows the StudioConnect being used with Garage Band by musicians TJ Daly, Jaren Johnston and Katie Herzig. Several other videos are available here, showing Griffin employees demonstrating the StudioConnect with guitar, bass, and MIDI keyboard. It looks like a pretty cool accessory for the musically-inclined, and we'll try to get a unit to our resident musicians for a followup review soon.