
Hex Vision Classic Leather Watch Band for 6G iPod nano: Good-looking, reasonably priced

When the first watch bands started appearing for iPod nanos, I really thought the idea was ludicrous. After all, what kind of person would spend a minimum of US$129 on a touchscreen watch when they have a really good clock in their pocket -- an iPhone -- already? I felt that way until a friend of mine gave me a 6G iPod nano a few weeks ago and I coincidentally received a Hex Vision Classic Leather Watch Band (US$49.95) to review. Now I'm hooked on the idea of the 6G iPod nano as a watch, and this classy and inexpensive watch band has had a lot to do with my change of heart.


There's not much to say about watch bands. Basically, they're what hold the mechanical or electrical gadgetry onto your wrist. In the case of the watch bands that have been designed for the sixth-generation iPod nano, they hold the nano into place either using the clip on the back of the device or through some other mechanical means.

Some of the designs I've seen so far have been bulky affairs that encase the entire nano. More often, the watch bands use a mechanism that is like that of the Vision Classic -- a stainless steel (or other material) plate that the nano clips onto. I like this more open design, as the nano doesn't need to be removed from the band for syncing or charging.


The Vision Classic is indeed a take on the classic leather watch band. The stainless steel clip makes it easy to add or remove the nano while being unobtrusive. The leather band is comfortable and topstitched for added flair, and comes in four different colors: black, white, British tan, and grey.


The Vision Classic does what it's designed to do: hold an iPod nano to your wrist while looking good. It feels great, it's easy to get the nano in and out of the watch band, and -- most importantly in my opinion -- it's inexpensive for a non-plastic nano band.

Yeah, you can get crappy-looking polycarbonate watch bands from a number of manufacturers (including Hex) for less money, but when it comes to nice looking bands that don't cost an arm and a leg, the Vision Classic Leather Watch Band is a winner.

Be sure to check out the gallery of photos to see the Vision Classic and my mighty arm in action.