
Box releases new API, more OneCloud apps

Cloud filesharing service Box has released a brand new version of its API, allowing iOS and Mac developers to make even easier use of Box in their apps. There several new features in the update, including Instant Mode, which lets developers instantly create and use Box accounts on behalf of their users, smoothing the process for everyone. You can learn more about the API in the video below, and devs interested in using it can find more info on the official blog.

Box has also announced fifteen new iPhone and iPad apps for its OneCloud program. OneCloud highlights apps that can pull files from Box's cloud, edit them, and then send them back, where they can be accessed from anywhere else. Among those apps are a device-to-printer solution called Breezy and a sales catalog app called Handshake. All of the apps added to OneCloud can be found in the full updated list inside the official Box iOS app.