
Microsoft touts 98-percent 'Smoked by Windows Phone' success rate, a few beg to differ

Microsoft's "Smoked by Windows Phone" challenge has been long on claims that Windows Phone can outrace your smartphone platform of choice in day-to-day tasks, but it's been short on hard numbers. Until now, that is. Company Evangelist Ben Rudolph claims that over 50,000 smartphones -- or 98 percent of all contenders -- have been beaten in the challenges since the company started running them back at CES, with just 638 people having proved their devices faster at a trade show or a Microsoft Store. That's good news for advocates, although it doesn't come without its share of controversies over fairness and whether or not the challenges overlook the advantages of your Android phone, BlackBerry or iPhone. Ultimately, the real challenge for Microsoft may be translating those successes into real improvements for its so-so market share.