
New flythrough video previews Project Copernicus

A pair of scales might be more apropos.  Or dice.

In the wake of the Rhode Island governor's release announcement, all eyes are on 38 Studios and Project Copernicus. Up until now the title has been talked about only in hushed tones, but today we've gotten a little something more: a flythrough of some areas of the game, showing off what we can expect from the environments. And suddenly that announced release date seems just a touch more plausible because the environments certainly look gorgeous.

Players of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning will no doubt recognize some of the environmental looks if not the exact locations, but everyone can appreciate the design that's gone into each region. Of course, it's a long road between showing a pretty place and making a playable game, and 38 Studios is still struggling to keep its head above water. But the MMO the studio has promised seems a bit more plausible now, and hopefully there's a light at the end of this particular tunnel.

[Thanks to all the tipsters who sent this in!]