
Elgato announces Game Capture HD, shipping next week


When you're into gaming, there are some times that you wish that you could go back in time and replay a particularly astounding point in gameplay where you wiped out a deadly foe or racked up a huge score in a short amount of time. Elgato wants you to relive those moments, and with the new Game Capture HD (US$199.95) you can grab gameplay from your PlayStation or Xbox to view and share from your Mac.

With the 3" x 1" x 4.3" Game Capture HD box, you essentially have a DVR for your gameplay. Since it's buffering your gameplay, you can decide to start recording at any point -- retroactively. Video is captured in 480ip, 576p, 720p or 1080i resolution, encoded in hardware using H.264 compression, and displayed via HDMI to your HDTV with no delay.

Gamers control the device from their Mac using Elgato's free Game Capture HD software. The same app provides a way to share captured video through YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter, and the video can be sent to any video editing app as well.

You'll be able to pre-order a Game Capture HD starting on Friday, May 25th for shipping beginning on May 30th. Additional info about Game Capture HD can be found on a special Facebook page.