
Donate your (Kiwi-only) desktop to charity

Got a high tolerance for advertising? Want to give a little something back to the world without a lot of effort? If you live in New Zealand, check out Donate Your Desktop.

Each day, the app will download a new image from a sponsor to your desktop. A portion of your ad impressions (75% of revenues) will be donated to charity. Recipients include Oxfam, the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation, the Starship Foundation, and the World Wildlife Fund.

If you're worried about seeing hi-res photos of ill children or animals on your desktop, fear not. The ads appear to be tasteful, and related to businesses such as DineOut and Traff1k.

The application supports both Mac and Windows. We were unable to test the software as it is not available at this time outside of New Zealand. If anyone from NZ can give it a go and do some basic assurance with regards to security, etc. please drop us a note at our contact form and we'll update this post with details.

If you don't mind transforming your workspace into a daily ad, it seems like a lovely way to passively do a little good in the world.

[via Springwise]