
One Shots: Orrery is an awesome word

One Shots

Today's One Shots is going to make you smarter because it's got an orrery in it. What's an orrery? It's a 3-D clockwork planetarium that mimics the solar system, and there's an amazing one in this lovely Guild Wars 2 beta screenshot by Brazokie. In fact, Brazokie sent in six stunning pics along with this cry for help (kidding!):

I have too many! They are all pretty! Please pick one, or two, or three...

Well, I've picked two plus two more from our stash of One Shots submissions, and they're all in full color behind the break!

GW2 - Brazokie
GW2 - Brazokie

I didn't intend an astronomy theme this week, but this next shot carries it onward anyway! It was taken by Jordan in Final Fantasy XIV, and your eyes are no doubt drawn to the red star in the center. According to Jordan, the star's "gotten bigger with every major version patch and will possibly be related to the events that will destroy Eorzea and allow the developers to remake the world for version 2.0." He's a cheerful lad, our Jordan.

FFXIV by Jordan

Hey look, a picture of a celestial body that isn't about to explode! This last shot is from EuchridEucrow, whose Star Wars: The Old Republic Vanguard is "looking forward to the adventures ahead of him."

SWTOR by EuchridEucrow

Next week is E3, so if you happen to be attending, snap us a shot or two and forward it along!

Want to be featured in a future edition of One Shots? Send your favorite MMO screenshots to, and don't forget to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of the scene. Large, colorful, UI-free shots that tell a story and really show off the game make for the best images. Look ma, we brought back One Shots!