
Dress like Braggosh, your favorite orc warrior

Dress like Braggosh, your favorite orc warrior ANY

I've always wanted to write a transmogrification article in the same vein as Dawn Moore and Anne Stickney, but I never could find the right theme that I wanted to tackle. As I kept trying to find a theme, it suddenly hit me -- no theme is needed! I'll just show you my two awesome transmog sets for my orc warrior, Braggosh.

Who doesn't love Braggosh, the fiercest, most lovable orc warrior ever? No one, that's who! Both transmog outfits that I'm going to show you how to put together today are for plate wearers, and some of the set pieces, while warrior-specific, have alternate color versions available if you'd like to wear one of my cool sets.

Dress like Braggosh, your favorite orc warrior ANY

Braggosh of the Shattered Sun

The Shattered Sun Offensive is one of my favorite factions in the game. Two rivaling factions, the Aldor and the Scryers, have put aside their differences and quarrels to end a bigger menace. They can only accomplish their goals with your help! The Burning Crusade dungeons have some great aesthetics regarding weapons and armor, and when I wanted to build a Shattered Sun set, I knew to start with the shield.

Maybe an orc isn't the first race that pops into your mind when remembering the battles of the Shattered Sun. Well, shame on you, then. Every race represented the Shattered Sun as the gates of the Sunwell were battered down against the Burning Legion. Shame. Braggosh wears his Tabard of the Shattered Sun proudly.

Again, the goal was to make a themed set while keeping the shoulders as subdued as possible.

  • Head I leave helmets off on all of my transmog outfits. I like to see my character's face. You can add in any color-appropriate helmet you wish!

  • Shoulders Lofty Shoulder Pads. Your best bet is the Auction House, most likely.

  • Back I leave cloaks off, usually, so add in your own color-appropriate cloak if you care to.

  • Chest I use a Heavy Mithril Breastplate for all of my plate transmog chests with a tabard over it, if I am using a tabard. The reason is that the Heavy Mithril Breastplate does not have sleeves, giving the desired look..

  • Shirt No shirt is needed for this transmog.

  • Wrists They don't really show up!

  • Hands Ymirjar Lord's Guantlets. I went with the warrior versions of the Ymirjar Lord set because of the color match, but you can easily substitute the other colors and replace the belt, and you should be be good to go.

  • Waist Glorious Belt. It's yellow and it stays out of the way of the tabard. That's all we need.

  • Legs Ymirjar Lord's Legplates.

  • Feet Bone Drake's Enameled Boots.

  • Weapon Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight is a great pick for the coloring and the neat gladius-esque look the sword has because of where it's held. It's one of my all-time favorite weapons in the game, and I'm glad that I found a place for it.

  • Shield Sunward Crest. It looks awesome. and you can probably purchase it right now. Would also look amazing on a tauren paladin Sunwalker.

  • Tabard The Tabard of the Shattered Sun, of course.

Dress like Braggosh, your favorite orc warrior ANY

Northern Vanguard Braggosh

The icy climes of Northrend stop even the fiercest warriors in their tracks, freezing entire legions of soldiers to their cold, agonizing deaths. Who thought it would be a great idea to storm this frigid bastion? Oh, right. Us.

Braggosh was a child of Wrath of the Lich King, my first real warrior that I played with any sincerity. Instantly, I was hooked on tanking from a warrior's playstyle and aspired to churn out as much reputations, mounts, and achievements with this new orc before Cataclysm hit. To commemorate Braggosh's time in Northrend and his fighting at those battles, I threw together Northern Vanguard Braggosh, an easily put-together set for melee plate classes.

This set of gear is really nothing more than Tempered Saronite pieces mixed together with your favorite weapon, but I feel like many of these off-set greens and blues get overlooked. Their relatively small shoulders and excellent textures get run over by the enormous and flashy raid gear we all see everywhere. Tempered Saronite, you're a-OK in my book.

For a blue-hued version of this set to make things easier for the Alliance, replace all of the Tempered Saronite with the Grizzlemaw plate set.

  • Head I leave helmets off on all of my transmog outfits. I like to see my character's face. You can add in any color-appropriate helmet you wish!

  • Shoulders Tempered Saronite Shoulders. They don't look ridiculous on an orc.

  • Back I leave cloaks off, usually, so just add in your own color-appropriate cloak if you care to.

  • Chest I use a Heavy Mithril Breastplate for all of my plate transmog chests with a tabard over it, if I am using a tabard. The reason is that the Heavy Mithril Breastplate does not have sleeves, giving the desired look.

  • Shirt No shirt is needed for this transmog.

  • Wrists They don't really show up!

  • Hands Tempered Saronite Guantlets.

  • Waist Tempered Saronite Belt.

  • Legs Tempered Saronite Legplates.

  • Feet Tempered Saronite Boots.

  • Weapon Obsidian Edged Blade. I wish I never had to give this up. Since many warriors are currently running around with Gurthalak these days, transmogging your weapon with the best two-handed sword in the game is a no-brainer.

  • Tabard For Braggosh, I went with the Hellscream's Reach Tabard because of its color coordination with the rest of the set as well as it being the best Horde-centric tabard out there. Alliance players can go with any reddish tabard, like the Consortium. If you go with the blue version of this set, any Alliance tabard works because they pretty much all match with blue.

I hope you guys enjoyed my stab at some transmogs. The outfits that I come up with are meant to be ones with a little less going on, as it were -- almost practical, in some weird way. Tinkering around with outfits has become a new hobby for me in WoW, something that I knew I would want and love one day but never imagined we would actually get in game. Let me know what you think, and if you try out any of these, send us a screenshot!