
No Comment: Paper Passion perfume for e-booklovers

No comment Paper Passion perfume for ebooklovers

Ah, the smell of books. That musty crinkly-nose sensation that transports you to old libraries, bookstores, and cluttered offices. It produces a visceral sensation of being surrounded by knowledge and adventure, where a page turn can introduce wonders and possibilities. A whiff of the antiquarian stirs the heart of book lovers, exciting their passion for the printed word.

In the age of ebooks, we have lost that old-paper smell. Electrons dance across our easily cleaned oleophobic screens, and our data fails to imprint the care of time and attention we devote through each page turn.

Our iPads have lost sabi, that Japanese aesthetic that elevates appreciation of that which is old, faded, and worn. Instead, we live in a world that's slightly more sterile, and far less tactile.

Enter "Paper Passion". Created by Geza Schoen, Gerhard Steidl, and Wallpaper magazine, with packaging designed jointly by Karl Lagerfeld and Steidl, the perfume offers a bouquet of "freshly printed books, the best smell in the world," according to Lagerfeld.

It celebrates "all the glorious sensuality of books" (yes, apparently it refers to those kind of naughty librarians), allowing you to wear the "very chic" smell of a book.

Retailing at just $115 for a small bottle, the fragrance promises to place you into a "world of luxury."

"You have a book, you open it, there's a bottle inside and it smells of a book. It might be quirky, but the idea has a simplicity, a linearity." --Geza Schoen

To this we say "No comment."

[via iO9]