
E3 2012: World of Battleships unmoors its trailer

E3 2012 World of Battleships delivers a trailer

World of Battleships may be the newest title in's arsenal, but that doesn't mean it's about to be overshadowed by its older siblings. The World War II-era battleship combat simulator arrived at E3 this week to show off a rather clever trailer illustrating how ships can be just as exciting as tanks and planes.

The trailer is interestingly framed, flashing between shipwrecks on the bottom of the ocean floor and shots of the ships in combat and taking damage. Presumably the message is, "We're going to litter the heck out of the ocean with the steel corpses of your failures -- unless you're good enough, that is."

World of Battleships will be joining World of Warplanes and World of Tanks under a unified battle realm. You can watch the smoky trailer action after the jump.

Massively's on the ground in Los Angeles during the week of June 4-7, bringing you all the best news from E3 2012. We're covering everything from PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR and ArcheAge to RIFT's and LotRO's upcoming expansions, so stay tuned!