
iPhone Dev-Team has jailbroken iOS 6 Beta

As always, the iPhone Dev Team didn't waste anytime trying to jailbreak Apple's iOS 6.0 beta release. Within a day or so of its announcement, the Dev Team released an iOS 6-compatible version of the redsn0w jailbreak tool for developers. The jailbreak works on limera1n-able devices like the iPod touch 4G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 (GSM) and iPhone 4 (CDMA).

This is a tethered jailbreak and designed for developers who write jailbroken apps. Many core iOS components are broken and there is no Cydia in this release. There's also no hacktivation so you have to be an iOS developer with a registered UDID to activate the jailbroken device.

Interested developers can download redsn0w 0.9.13dev2 from the Dev Team's website.

[Via iFans]