
New Midsummer Fire Festival item: Helm of the Fire Festival

New Midsummer Fire Festival item Helm of the Fire Festival

I know what you've been thinking. You want something to wear on your head that your friends can use for cooking. Well, now your wish has come true!

The Helm of the Fire Festival is not only a fashionable hat for the style-conscious player, it also allows your friends to cook on your head. You have to kneel, of course, but this functionality is already included in the helm.

Be the life of the party and the envy of your friends! It is reportedly available to be purchased for the low, low price of 350 Burning Blossoms, but this is not confirmed.

Burning Blossoms are of course earned for performing certain tasks during the Midsummer Fire Festival, which began today. Check out this handy guide and start the path to having your very own Helm of the Fire Festival.

Available from June 21 to July 4 only. Some restrictions apply.

[Image courtesy of Wowhead]