
Get your Guild Wars 2 final beta weekend key here! [Updated]

Get your Guild Wars 2 final beta weekend key here!

The final Guild Wars 2 beta weekend event happening from July 20th to 22nd might just be your last chance to play the game before you decide whether you'll be pre-purchasing to play on August 25th for the head start. Luckily for you, we have some keys to give away for this final beta event so you can try it out for free!

As part our final key giveaway on the site (that's right: We're not doing any more key giveaways for any games after this!), we're happy to end on a high note with 3,000 keys for our readers. Simply head on over to our giveaway page to grab yours before they run out, then head to to redeem the key and start the download. Good luck and see you in Tyria!

[Update: Keys are gone already!]