
Syfy photo contest to award trip to Defiance premier party

Defiance screenshot

Folks attending Comic-Con 2012 in San Diego or even just generally in the convention area have most likely seen some form of promotion for Syfy and Trion's transmedia project, the upcoming MMO shooter Defiance. If you have, a picture could be worth more than 1,000 words -- it could be worth a trip to the Defiance premier party in April 2013! To enter the contest, fans need to take a picture of any Defiance promotion at Comic-Con and either upload it to the official entry form, email an entry, or tweet a link of the picture to @DefianceWorld #DiscoverDefiance.

The contest is open to US residents 18 years and older and will end on July 16th, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Full contest rules are available on the official entry form.