
A reflective festival launches for Guild Wars

Does that mean a slayer of Rubis?  Maybe that's where she went.

You might have heard about a game named Guild Wars 2 that's coming out in just a little more than a week. And that's all well and good, but what does this mean for the original Guild Wars? Shall old acquaintance be forgot? Will the game be forgotten altogether?

Whatever happens next, you'll want to refresh your memories about the game before its sequel comes out, and that's the focus of the Wayfarer's Reverie running until August 30th. Players will have special festival quests to undertake, highlighting the memories and experiences of player journeys through each storyline. These questgivers can be found in each of the four major cities from the four expansions.

That's not all that players can expect, however. Special drops will also be in effect for the whole of the event, and there will be several NPCs scattered through the cities to share recollections of the game's history. Guild Wars players should check out the event -- it's not a prelude to the end but the prelude to a new beginning.