
Microsoft hosting mixer for former OnLive employees

Microsoft hosting mixer for former OnLive employees

Microsoft will be throwing an industry mixer for the 50-ish percent of OnLive workers affected by the streaming company's recent restructuring madness this Monday, August 27, at its campus in Silicon Valley. Hiring managers will be on site, scouting for Xbox-oriented positions at Microsoft's offices in Mountain View, CA and Redmond, WA.

"We are eager to speak to individuals and teams affected by the OnLive transition," reads the event's public invitation. "We are looking to add key players who want to make a real impact in creating groundbreaking new products and services."

Whether this is indicative of an expanded streaming presence in Microsoft's future is anyone's guess; it could simply be an example of the tech industry taking care of its own. An Xbox Kinect bundle will also be raffled off during the event, though we assume those attending will be more interested in finding gainful employment than winning a door prize.