
Does Toronto wall mural show a new iPad dashboard? No, it's just iPhoto for iOS

Does Toronto wall mural show a new iPad dashboard No, it's just iPhoto for iOS

TUAW reader Jon Hung forwarded us this photo showing a wall mural that is in the progress of being painted on the side of a fire station at 260 Adelaide St. W. in Toronto, Ontario. The beautiful, super-sized mural shows what appears to be a new iPad dashboard, complete with weather, the date and a lot of photos...

Well, that's what we thought for a minute, before realizing that a) we haven't seen anything like that in iOS 6 betas and b) it seemed really familiar. Sure enough, a little research showed that it's the Journals function in iPhoto, which allows you to create photo "mosaics" complete with weather and date information (see below). It's a very useful feature, perfect for sending friends an update of everything you did on a particular day on your vacation.

Does Toronto wall mural show a new iPad dashboard No, it's just iPhoto for iOS

Still, the mural is really impressive and we'd like to see other examples of painted Apple ads that may be in existence around the world. If you've taken a picture of a similar Apple mural and have a Flickr account, just tag your photo with TUAW so everyone can see what you've found.

Thanks to Jon for the wonderful photo and tip!