
PlayStation Mobile's Super Crate Box is the definitive version

PlayStation Mobile's Super Crate Box is the definitive version

It doesn't take much to create the ultimate version of Vlambeer's Super Crate Box. It needs the gameplay – including responsive controls – of the PC/Mac original, and the pick-up-and-play portability of the iOS release.

By default, the PlayStation Mobile release running on a PlayStation Vita is the best version, simply because it meets those conditions. The game feels just like it always did on PC, with excellent use of the Vita's d-pad or analog stick to move your little guy, but is portable.

I considered writing a longer preview, but there's not much you need to know. It's Super Crate Box, but portable, with buttons. Provided you're playing on a Vita or another PlayStation Certified device with controls – like a Wikipad or an Xperia Play, that is. It'll work on all the other PlayStation Certified devices, but with touch controls.