
RaiderZ stress test kicks off today

RaiderZ stress test kicks off today

While the open beta for RaiderZ has yet to grace our fair computers, you can still get in and give this action MMO a try today. Perfect World Entertainment announced that it's running a stress test for the title this weekend, and everyone with a PWE account is invited to come play.

The stress test begins tonight at 7:00 p.m. EDT and continues through Monday the 15th at 8:00 p.m. EDT. The company is encouraging players to crush the server so as to make it more stable come launch. It also is promising special awards and fun events over the course of the weekend.

Following the stress test, RaiderZ heads into open beta on October 24th. The studio is pushing for players to plunk down a few bucks to secure a Founder's Pack. The deal includes an exclusive mount and closed beta access to Cryptic's Neverwinter.