
Kickstarter now an option for UK game developers

Kickstarter now an option for UK game developers

Indie developers looking for free money from Americans no longer have to rob tourists at knife point in the busy London Underground (not that any lovely Brits would do such a thing), as Kickstarter has now established itself in the United Kingdom.

Rather than being separated into their own website, UK-based Kickstarter projects will be interspersed alongside American fundraisers in the site's main ecosphere. Pledge levels will be listed in pounds sterling and monetary transactions will take place through a different third-party intermediary via Kickstarter itself, rather than Amazon Payments, but otherwise the donation process is identical to Yankee 'starters.

Previously, Kickstarter had been limited to projects originating from the colonies due to the limitations of the Amazon Payments system. Now though, British creatives of all type can reap the benefits inherent to the Kickstarter system, as can Americans looking to exploit the current state of our exchange rate.