
Julian Gollop's Chaos sequel campaign, multiplayer detailed

If you're currently enjoying XCOM: Enemy Unknown, the Firaxis reboot of the PC classic, then you owe part of that enjoyment to Julian Gollop, the man who designed the original and other subsequent installments in the series. Last week, Gollop revealed he was working on a sequel to his classic turn-based strategy game from 1985, Chaos: The Battle of Wizards.

Gollop started up a development blog over the weekend for what he's calling Chaos Reborn, revealing the single-player side is broken down by regions, tasking players (as a newbie Wizard) with setting out on the most noble quest of killing the Wizard King as quickly as possible – with each turn, the Wizard King's forces grow stronger. It's just one of the perks of being a Wizard King. The downside is other Wizards are always trying to kill you.

Multiplayer will consist of arena battles for up to eight opponents, in both asynchronous and direct connection formats. Chaos Reborn will showcase deathmatch and team-based mode, and let players go up against AI-controlled opponents. Pass-and-play on mobile devices is also mentioned.

Chaos Reborn is little more than specs on a page right now, so get in on the ground floor of Gollop's RSS feed now for future updates through the source link below.