
Guillemot: There's a 'good chance' Rainbow 6: Patriots is next-gen

Guillemot There's a 'good chance' Rainbow 6 Patriots is nextgen

Rainbow 6: Patriots encountered a rough production patch earlier this year when it swapped out creative director David Sears for Jean-Sebastien Decant. That doesn't mean the game is any less ambitious, and Patriots might even even up on next-gen platforms, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot tells Polygon.

Answering a direct question about Patriots being a next-gen game, Guillemot says, "There's a good chance it can be." Patriots is still scheduled for a launch in 2013, remember.

Ubisoft is working with Sears' original vision, which involves taking down a homegrown terrorist cell called the True Patriots, and making ambiguously moral decisions about the lives (and violent deaths) of civilians along the way. "But that's what is interesting with the concept – being able to give a choice to the person who is playing," Guillemot says.