
RaiderZ launch day roundup

Raiderz launch day roundup

Sometimes, launch day seems like a mythical beast, taunting adventurers with promises of glory and treasure, but whose very existence is in doubt. Today, RaiderZ fans will face and slay that beast -- along with a slew of other fantastical bosses -- as the free-to-play fantasy game opens its doors to everyone.

Want to get a feel for the landscape and prepare for your battles ahead? Scout out the goblin village of Rengot, tour Hero's Lane and Mt. Eda, and learn valuable tricks and tip to assist you in your adventures with the many videos, galleries, and hands-on experiences after the break.

Massively Exclusive: RaiderZ announces launch date with new screens and a video
Since the beta doors opened on October 24th, more folks have been checking out the action of RaiderZ, banding together to engage massive bosses and even using mobs' own limbs as weapons against them.

RaiderZ gets down and dirty with sewer instance
While RaiderZ shoots through the rapids of open beta on its way to the waterfall of launch, Perfect World is evangelizing this title to any and all who will hear the message of an action MMO with memorable monsters.

Of MonsterZ and Men: Hands-on with RaiderZ
The other night as I was perusing the interwebs for new and interesting things on which to waste my time, I was struck with a craving. I suddenly found myself wanting to get my hands on a good ol'-fashioned hack-and-slash, preferably of the massively multiplayer variety.

Massively Exclusive: New RaiderZ screens to celebrate open beta
The time has finally come to pass. If you've been unable to get into any of the closed beta events for RaiderZ, you can finally just hop on over and start playing the game, as the open beta is now on.

RaiderZ gears up for open beta with new video and screenshots
Are you getting excited for the open beta of RaiderZ on October 24th? If so, you might be even more excited to see some new screenshots and a new video trailer for the game.

RaiderZ video and screenshots show off goblin village of Rengot
The countdown is on -- RaiderZ' open beta starts in just a few weeks on October 24th. To give players another taste of what they can look forward to, Perfect World Entertainment released a video and some screenshots highlighting Rengot Village.

RaiderZ previews Mt. Eda
The RaiderZ preview train continues onward, this time taking a look at the snow-covered Mt. Eda just past Hero's Lane. Mt. Eda used to be a place of peace and serenity, but in the game's timeline, it's become the site of an ersatz turf war between tribes of trolls and ogres.

RaiderZ shows off Hero's Lane
The whirlwind tour of the world of Rendel continues with the latest zone preview for RaiderZ. Today's video shows off the region known as Hero's Lane, a lovely location for a leisurely stroll that's filled with aging graveyards and expansive gardens.

RaiderZ shows off the Broken Mast
Every character needs to start somewhere. In RaiderZ, "somewhere" is the Broken Mast. It's a coastal zone filled with marauding pirates, malicious sea creatures, and plenty of magical ruins.

Free for All: RaiderZ's Mark Hill talks punching, slashing, and beta
I was first introduced to RaiderZ back at E3 2011. The game has been in testing since then and has apparently grown a lot. I've had some time now to try the beta and chop up some monsters, and I have to say that the action is frantic but the open-world is not something I am used to from action-based MMOs.

Third RaiderZ dev diary shows off mounts, cooking, and more
Previous developer diaries have already demonstrated some of the features in the upcoming free-to-play action game RaiderZ, like using monsters' severed limbs as weapons and creating hybrid characters by blending archetypes.

Massively's video impressions of RaiderZ
Do you enjoy getting your face smashed in by an oversized pillar-wielding colossus? How about being swallowed whole and regurgitated by a gigantic frog?

Massively Exclusive: RaiderZ boss fight video
With RaiderZ's closed beta rapidly approaching, it's not a half-bad idea to see the game in action before deciding to make the leap into it or not.

RaiderZ mixes and matches classes to find the perfect fit for you
If you're an overachiever who loves to plan your future character's career months in advance, then today's the day to get out your graph paper and get to work on your RaiderZ adventurer.

RaiderZ releases dev diary on how to beat a monster to death with its own severed limbs
Admit it: Deep down, you dream about beating in-game monsters to death with their own severed limbs. Who doesn't? Happily, RaiderZ makes that dream a reality, as is demonstrated in the game's most recent developer diary.

PAX East 2012: Hands-on with Perfect World's RaiderZ
TERA isn't the only upcoming MMO to feature big-ass monsters and action combat. Perfect World Entertainment showed us a demo of RaiderZ at last weekend's PAX East, and producer Mark Hill was pretty enthusiastic about the game's level of polish.