
WoW Moviewatch: Hunters Are Just Awesome

Did you know hunters are just awesome? If you didn't, you may want to check out today's video. The song is a collaboration by many notable members of the hunter community, organized by WoW Insider's Brian Wood, also known as Frostheim of the Warcraft Hunters Union and the Hunting Party Podcast.

The video isn't too complex, but the song should warm the hearts of our many hunter readers out there, and remind them how awesome their class is. It may also make the rest of us envious that our own communities don't have multiple theme songs (I guess rogues do, actually).

This collaboration is two years in the making. I remember at WoW Insider's BlizzCon 2012 party, Frostheim ran up to me with a big grin on his face and said he'd just recorded one of our notable guests (Aron Eisenburg? Felicia Day, perhaps?) saying, "hunters are just awesome!" To find out who it was, check out the video.

Oh, and don't forget to heal hunter pets!