
Darkfall video offers walkthrough for clan management system

Darkfall video offers walkthrough for clan management system

Darkfall: Unholy Wars is one of those games that can be described as best enjoyed with a clan, so clan management is an important topic. In that vein, Darkfall is giving clans a consolidated interface with a variety of features to find, create, and manage clans.

Players searching for a clan are given access to information about possible choices such as how much dominion the clan has accrued, leader names, the charter, and how many members are in it. Once you find a match, you can apply directly from the interface. Can't find what you want? Clans can also be created on the spot from this window, as long as the player has 2,000 gold in his or her backpack.

Other features available through this interface are an accounting of clan members' PvP kills ranking, and dominion earned for the clan. Leaders also have the ability to grant clan permissions on an individual basis as well as review and accept or decline applicants. There is also a special politics tab that includes a clan kill-on-site list. Take a look at all these details and more in the video after the break.

[Thanks to Bartillo for the tip!]