
Check out two minutes of State of Decay zombie-killing action

State of Decay - half a zombie

It's been a few weeks since we've heard from the Undead Labs dev team. Happily, the newest State of Decay update comes with a gruesome slice of gameplay video. The two-minute clip focuses on the weapons and tactics necessary to clear a path through a horde of undead. There's a brief bit of driving action, too, and we also get a glimpse of the game's map functionality and UI.

Community manager Sanya Weathers also offers up a teaser on the, er, state of State of Decay's development. "It's the most wonderful time of the year... that time when we're seeing the light at the end of the development tunnel," she writes. "We're polishing up communications, tactics, and all of the elements that make a game more than a simple 'see zombie, shoot zombie' kind of thing."