
Cryptozoic reveals World of Warcraft TCG Set 20: Betrayal of the Guardian

Cryptozoic reveals World of Warcraft TCG set 20

Return to the days of the first and second war, when Orcs first came to Azeroth with Betrayal of the Guardian, the second set in the epic Timewalkers Block!

Medivh, the last guardian of Tirisfal, first orchestrated the eventual wars that pitted humans versus orcs by bringing the bloodthirsty orcs and Gul'dan to Azeroth through the Dark Portal. Relive the first moments of the original Warcraft games with cards that harken back to this time. Will you be part of the stalwart humans, the bloodthirsty orcs, or will you be tempted to support the Monsters that have been left to lurk in Karazhan after Medivh's corruption?

Cryptozoic, the company who brings us the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, has revealed the latest set. Betrayal of the Guardian, as the set is titled, is set 2 of 3 in the Timewalkers block, with 232 cards including 30 hero, 60 rare and 30 12 epic. Players can ally themselves with the Timewalkers, who become more powerful if you control multiple copies of a Horde or Alliance race. You can choose to aid the Alliance, help the Horde, or become a Monster and fight against both factions!

Cryptozoic has a selection of sample artwork from the set, along with further information. The set will be available for purchase in early 2013, retailing at $3.99 per booster pack. A few WoW Insider writers were lucky enough to have their characters included in the set, so we'll all be rushing out once it's released to obtain a copy of our cards and those of our colleagues!