
Poll: What's the best-looking race in WoW?

World of Warcraft has its own take on many of the traditional fantasy tropes and races that were originally part of general fantasy and cultural mythos and the original Dungeons and Dragons. Over time, the WoW versions of orcs, humans, elves, dwarves, and more have grown into their own look, feel, and cultures.

Which race do you think looks the best, with the best aesthetics? Are you partial to the new Horde style of orcish design and ferocity? Do you feel more at home in the serene altitudes of Teldrassil with the night elves? Do you think the new goblin and worgen races just look better based on technology and time or that even the blood elves and draenei still look solid after three full expansions? Maybe you're the last die-hard human fan out there who is ready and willing to put your love of Azeroth's humanity on the line. What do you guys think?
