
Blue Posts: Remember that MoP talents are not 100% done

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Blue posts

Nakatoir -- Remember MoP are not complete

Before I begin I am MORE than aware of the talents not being 100% solid and they may change, but as they are shown now I would like to elaborate.

Thank you for your feedback on the Warlock talents, however as you have mentioned the talents are not set in stone right now and may change. You have to remember that the Mists of Pandaria talent calculator was placed on the website towards the end of November last year and it has not been updated on the website since. During these past few months of development though, there would have been major changes that are not able to see yet.

We will probably not be updating the talent calculator until we're around about at the point of the friends and family alpha test. The reason for this is that it is not exactly useful or efficient for us to be continuously updating the calculator at this stage.


There have been no announcements for when an update to the Talent Calculator will be released. But I am sure we are all hoping for a more up-to-date talent calculator to be revealed, because I know everyone would like to see what has been done to refine and improve upon the ones we see now! :o

Takralus -- Out into the world
Well, one of our aims with Mists is to get players out of the cities and back into the world again, so you'll get your change of scenery :)

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