
Apple patent shows teleprompter tool may come to iMovie and Final Cut Pro

It's no secret that Apple gear is big in video production. The iPhone has been used to produce and edit news stories in the field, at least one Texas reporter shot a complete story on an iPad 2 and The Daily, a newsmagazine for the iPad, has done that as well.

Patently Apple reports that Apple is working on teleprompter tools that integrate into Final Cut Pro and iMovie. A script can be pasted into the app, then scrolled, and if desired, superimposed over video. The scrolling rate can be set to a natural speech rate determined for a particular reader, or hand controlled by scrolling. Apple also appears to plan on sending the text to another device such as an iPad.

Teleprompters are pretty much standard equipment in news, documentary and commercial production. By integrating the prompter with the production software, Apple hopes to have a stronger offering for people creating media.