
IndieCade early bird submission fee deadline is February 29

The early submission deadline for IndieCade ends on the final day this month, February 29, with prices jumping from $50 to $75 until the standard submission deadline ends May 1. We know procrastination is an art form, but that $25 could be spent on more essential items like ramen.

IndieCade got in contact with us to help spread the word that the only major disqualification factor for a game is if it's funded by a major publisher. Beyond that, the group accepts a variety of games, which are detailed after the break.

IndieCade's track record, with past winners including Limbo, VVVVVV, Superbrothers' Sword and Sworcery EP and Fez, is a great springboard for mass attention. If you're a developer or team that thinks it's got the next big indie game, take the chance and submit an application.

IndieCade submission detail overview:


  • Early Submissions January 30 – February 29, 2012: The early submissions processing fee is $50.

  • Standard Submissions March 1 – May 1, 2012: The standard submissions processing fee $75

  • Late Submissions May 2 – 15, 2012: Submissions close May 1, 2012, however late submissions will be accepted from May 2 – May 15, 2012 for a $95 processing fee.

"To be eligible for IndieCade, your game must not have funding from a major publisher. You can have other deals with these publishers, but the game you are submitting may not. Your game can have funding from other sources, including investments, grants, crowd sourcing or other funding apparatus.

Submission to or inclusion in other festivals does not preclude eligibility in any way. Previously submitted games may be resubmitted provided they: 1) Were not finalists in a previous IndieCade Festival; 2) Have undergone significant changes since the last submitted version; 3) Have a new or altered name that clearly indicates a different version.

There is no age requirement for submission.

IndieCade has an inclusive submissions policy and invites submissions of all styles and genres of games, including PC, browser-based, casual, puzzle, mobile, ARGs, Big Games and installation-based games (submitted via video if not playable on-site), mods (provided they conform to game engine licensing agreements), serious games, documentary games, activist games, art games, virtual worlds and "sandbox" style games, and more! We also welcome student games and games developed by universities, schools and non-profit organizations. All types are not only welcome; they are encouraged. Innovation is the name of the game.

Works in progress are permitted and encouraged, but they should include at least one finished, playable level."