
WRUP: GDC ya later

We're so sad to leave GDC behind, but we'll be back next year. In the meantime, catch up on our coverage of the annual San Francisco show right here.

What's everyone playing?

  • Alexander Sliwinski (@XanderSliwinski): There is only one thing I will do all weekend: Mass Effect 3.

  • Ben Gilbert (@RealBenGilbert): Puzzlejuice all night on my redeye, Syndicate all weekend when I get back. Also, our adorable dog is getting a haircut, and I'm incredibly excited. It's kind of embarrassing.

  • David Hinkle (@DaveHinkle): Sleeeeeeep.

  • JC Fletcher (@jcfletcher): Can we declare a moratorium on video games for a couple months? I have writing and sleep and other things to catch up on. And probably some Ziggurat.

  • Jess Conditt (@JessConditt): I'll be playing Superman Turns 50. Happy birthday, dad!

  • Jordan Mallory (@Jordan_Mallory): This weekend marks the beginning of SXSW here in Austin, which itself is the beginning of a traditional, two-week long ARG called "Get The Hell Out of My City"

  • Ludwig Kietzmann (@LudwigK): All cover-based shooting, all the time. I'll test out the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and attempt to form a mixed, nuanced opinion on Sega's Binary Domain.

  • Mike Schramm (@MikeSchramm): SSX is waiting for me at home, and I'm looking forward to it.

  • Richard Mitchell (@TheRichardM): I'll be crossing the galaxy and saving humanity in Silent Hill: Downpour.

  • Steven Wong: No surprise, Mass Effect 3 all weekend!

  • Xav de Matos (@Xav): Unit 13, which I was trying to get done for review but I couldn't get any multiplayer sessions during GDC! Expect it early next week.