
Why Apple retail tilts MacBook Pro displays to 70 degrees

Forbes takes a look at how Apple entices potential customers by tilting MacBook Pros "just so" - at 70 degrees to be precise. Why is this the case? So people are encouraged to adjust the screen to suit their own viewing needs, Forbes' Carmine Gallo said. Once you adjust the screen, you might be tempted to check out those apps nestled in the dock. Or maybe you want to open a Safari browser and check your email or a sports score. Eventually, you might walk out carrying a coveted piece of Apple merchandise. It might not be that day, but it might be some day in the future.

Gallo talks about how Apple fosters this culture of interactivity with its products, comparing them against Best Buy that tends to discourage that sort of thing. My personal experience at Best Buy tends to linger toward over-hovering salespeople. I want to try a product, not be harassed about it. I've always had good experiences at the Apple Store with employees not constantly barging in.

Gallo has written other pieces about the Apple retail experience, and they're definitely worth checking out.