
The Queue: MoP CE get

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mike Sacco will be your host today.

I'm hugging this thing AS WE SPEAK.

antony.ovens asked:

So when MoP releases on the 25th, where will we actually go to get to Pandaria? Will it be a portal, an air balloon, perhaps another boat ride with camp comedy?

You get a quest that sends you to the airship parked above Stormwind Harbor, and from there you get cutscened into Pandaria.

JeffLaBowski asked:

So Jaina in game has grey hair, on the cover of the book it is streaked with blonde. Is this because they can't-didn't want to put it in game or did it change?

Jaina has white/grey hair with a single blond streak on the cover of her book and white/grey hair with a single blond streak in the game. It's the same.

Jorge asked:

I was wondering if Blizz said anything about race changing to pandarian. With the blue post about not needing to log out on launch night, is it possible to buy a race change now and being able to switch to a pandarian at midnight?

Yep, that's the plan!

RaymondCarrel asked:

I will be levelling at least 3 characters through pandaria at some point. I hope to have some variety in terms of levelling paths I.e. different zones for the first and second. Is this viable or am I going to miss out on some rep or have another Hyjal / Molten Front situation where I have to go back?

There's enough content in each zone that you should be able to pick and choose what you do on each character, and the rep factions all have dailies you can do at level 90 if you get behind in rep from leveling a different way.

KyleJessup asked:

Has there been any word from blizz about making launch night go smoother. After so many expansion releases you would think there wouldn't have been so many problems when D3 launched. but we all know how that went. also with there only being one 85 starting zone questing is going to be terrible.

Everything went fine with each expansion launch for WoW so far. Very smooth. I wouldn't expect any issues with MoP.

hordak asked:

Will those items for completing the Theramore scenario still be available when we re-run it at lv 90? Or are they solely a pre-xpac thing?

Those are pre-MoP only. Gotta get 'em now!

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!