
Taiwanese filmmaker escorted out of Apple's Hong Kong headquarters

Taiwanese filmaker escorted off of Apple's Hong Kong headquarters

Giddens Ko, a Tiawanese author and filmmaker, flew to Apple's Hong Kong HQ in an attempt to resolve a copyright issue, but that wasn't his sole intention. He also apparently wanted to make a movie. As The Register reports, things didn't go as he had planned, and he was escorted off the premises by police. A series of Facebook updates chronicled the events.

Ko's issue with Apple stems from a series of books he's written appearing in apps and being sold for profit without his authorization. After the company allegedly claimed that the apps could not be removed because the true owner could not be determined, Ko decided a trip to Hong Kong was in order.

Apparently he appeared at the Hong Kong facility unannounced and demanded that action be taken. When staff informed him that the formal complaint process was the only way to go about this, he decided to fill out another form on the spot, with his manager filming the entire ordeal.

At that point, Apple's staff had grown tired of Ko's antics, reportedly calling him an "idiot" before alerting authorities. Since the incident, several of the offending apps have indeed been removed, but Ko is still attempting to get his app published on the App Store.