
Karaoke streams sing-along songs on Xbox Live, pay-per-hour

Karaoke for Xbox 360 lets you stream singalong songs, payperhour

Microsoft is giving Xbox Live subscribers Karaoke for the holidays, a pay-per-hour service that will stream songs through the console for the purposes of singing out loudly (and probably poorly). The service takes advantage of The Karaoke Channel's library to provide over 8,000 tunes for crooners to choose from.

Instead of having you pay for individual songs, you can put down Microsoft Points for temporary access to Karaoke's full library, in blocks of 2, 6, and 24 hours. The songs are streamed rather than downloaded, with lyrics scrolling on the screen while your avatar does his or her best Barry Manilow or Tina Turner impression (at least that's our plan). SmartGlass intergration and achievements are included, with the service expected to arrive "in time for the holidays."