
Vita bundle includes a year of PlayStation Plus, Unit 13 for $300

Vita bundle includes a year of PlayStation Plus, Unit 13 for $300

It may not be as desirable as the Amazon bundle sold over Black Friday, but Sony is introducing a new Vita bundle that takes advantage of the new best feature of the device: the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection.

The new configuration includes a black 3G/Wifi Vita, a year of Plus (which means free access to Gravity Rush, Jet Set Radio, Uncharted, and more), a voucher for a download of Unit 13, and a 4GB memory card that is ill-suited for a download-focused bundle, for $300.

For an idea of how worthwhile the deal is, the 3G Vita retails for $300 alone, though it's currently on Amazon for $250. The new Instant Game Collection bundle launches in North America next week.