
PlanetSide 2 dares you to pick a side

PlanetSide 2 dares you to pick a side

If you haven't heard, there's this new game out that doesn't play friendly with itself. PlanetSide 2 is built around a three-faction PvP setup, and SOE is not going to let you sit on the sidelines. No, you must pick a side, play favorites, and learn to hate the opposing sides with a vengeance. To help you with that, the studio's released new faction videos that beckon you to join each respective side's team.

After the jump you can check out the Terran Republic and Vanu Sovereignty videos, and then let us know if they have swayed you to their way of thinking. Or perhaps you've yet to pick up this free-to-play shooter? If so, it couldn't hurt to watch the following and see if it tugs on your interest!