
Evernote Food 2.0 delivers the goodies for foodies

The busy elves at Evernote have a new gift just in time for holiday noshing. It's a major upgrade to Evernote Food, which the company is describing as "Your entire food world in a single app."

Evernote Food 2.0 should be hitting the App Store right about now, and it's been impressively bulked up in terms of capability. Previously, the app just had a "My Meals" feature to save details about your favorite caloric intake sessions, but now there's a lot more to love:

  • An "Explore Recipes" tab provides access to a huge variety of searchable recipes.

  • The "My Cookbook" tab organizes your saved recipes in one place.

  • A "Restaurants" tab lets you not only search for nearby restaurants, but save a list of places you want to try.

  • The "My Meals" tab lets you share the details (date, location, people, photos and notes) of your food experiences.


As you can see from the gallery images, there's also a new feature that everyone will love -- iPad compatibility. Evernote Food 2.0 is free, so get it loaded before those holiday mega-meals. A video with all of the highlights is embedded below.