
App downloads hit 1.76 billion during holiday week

With so many new smartphones and tablets in use thanks to holiday gifting, it follows that app download rates are typically elevated between Christmas Day and the first day of the new year, but 2012 was a special year. Flurry reports that between December 25 and December 31, a whopping 1.76 billion apps were downloaded on iOS and Android devices, which just happens to be a new weekly sales record.

The weekly average for the beginning of December stood at 1.07 billion, making the final week of the year 65 percent more lucrative for app sellers. For comparison, the last seven days of 2011 saw sales peak at 1.2 billion.

As far as countries go, the biggest app download hotspot is the US, followed by China, the UK, Germany and France. The United States alone was responsible for over 600 million downloads in the final week of 2012.

[Via: GigaOM]