
Apple's Lucky Bag sale kicks off in Japan

Apple's Lucky Bag sale kicks off in Japan

Last week TUAW covered the annual Japanese New Year's tradition of Fukubukuro or "Lucky Bag," in which merchants sell sealed bags of items at a substantial discount. Apple Stores are participating today (January 2, 2013) with bags selling for ¥33,000 (US$380). So what was in the bags this year?

Former TUAW blogger Rick Martin writes for TechInAsia and The Japan Times, and he says that some of the more lucky participants actually came away from their favorite Apple Store with a lot more than $380 worth of goodies. Japanese blogger @Kazuend did some quick math and figured that his bag was worth about ¥95,000 ($1,100). He was able to get everything from a Lightning USB Camera Adapter ($33) to a 16 GB Wi-Fi iPad ($450) with several other accessories thrown in for good measure. That's @Kazuend's pile of goodness seen in the photo at the top of this page.

Some of the luckiest Lucky Bags contained a MacBook Air. There's a summary of some of the swag on this Japanese site, with @Ryowxyz stating that the "jackpot was hit" with his Lucky Bag for 2013. He stayed in line for 16 hours at the Shinsaibashi store, and received the 45th Lucky Bag sold at the site.